According to The Guinness Book of Records, the quickest
picker-upper when it comes to beer is one Tom Gaskin, who in Northern
Ireland in 1996 managed to lift a 137-pound keg over his head 902
times in only six hours. |
Alpha Phi Kicks Butt!
Not to be vain, but our sorority is the best:) Liz Loveless
gave a great performance at the keg toss beating everyone in
both rounds! I think she should have competed against the frat
boys, but they were scared of her. Wussys. The Tug-of-War contest
was really pathetic. Where was the competition? We kicked both
teams butts using only one arm. Ok, maybe a few of us used two
but the extra strength wasn't needed ;) Alpha Phi came in third
overall for Greek Week 2003. Great job ladies! And didn't our
shirts look the cutest? I thought so...



Way gone!
